
I just did the math. . .

Let's say I smoke a pack a day (Im close) for an average of 6.50/pack, thats 2300$ a year.


That's a lotta cheese I'm paying to blacken my lungs, slow my breath and make me stink.

I think I'm right about at 20 years - maybe a little longer - of being a regular smoker. Whenever I think rationally about why I'm doing it, and what it does to me, I know I need to stop. It's just a bad habit that I've never really put an effort towards controlling.

One reason I haven't tried to quit is simple - I still enjoy smoking cigarettes. So right now, I'm leaning towards the pack-a-month plan. Thats less than one a day, so no longer a regular smoker - in my mind. And they'd be saved for those special times when they just taste so good. I'm making my current 2/3 full marlboro lights box my May pack, and here's to hoping it last the rest of the month!

wish me luck. . .

DISCLAIMER: If blogging about my goals ends up jinxing my quest for clean lungs, and I find myself puffing away in a couple of months, then Ill swiftly delete this entry to hide my cyber-shame.